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I believe in the God of ALL.

I believe that God is happiness and anger!

I believe that God can and will change God's mind!

I believe that God intentionally creates chaos as well as peace!

I do not know why many believe that they have the right to force their religious beliefs upon others? By forcing beliefs (the "LIGHT faiths) feel that "force" will bring about the Second Coming!

I can assure you, there is NO physical Second Coming of Jesus Christ!

In my personal belief, Jesus' Christ's bones are heavily laden with priceless jewels, someplace safe, in a dry climate (preserving them). I would guess MECCA.

Does Jesus Christ's skeleton (laden with jewels) invalidate Christ's message of Peace.. I feel absolutely not!

The Second Coming is not one of Armageddon and War, and Christ physically coming back.. but rather a spiritual 1000+ years of peace and new evolution.

This new beginning is available, anytime humanity wants it. However before it will; happen, ALL of humanity must be sincere in this desire, (not forced or fake).

The fake desire is accepted fully in the Dark faiths, as any and all acknowledgement (in EVIL) is a path to the dark.

I believe God is dark .

I believe God will not allow peace as long as there those who force others and are living fake lives.

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