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I however, have and continue to experience reverse discrimination.

To be told I am HATE and my ENERGY should be avoided, I feel is misguided. Just because I am a liberal, does not mean I have to overidentify with any one, any movement, race or religion, just to be accepted.

I am myself!

I believe everyone has the following right:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,

that among these are

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

~ Declaration of Independence

  • As a Satanist, I have been discriminated against.

  • As a poor, white, middle aged, homosexual male I have been discriminated against.

There are so many more aspects to deal with than what is being currently focused on in daily life..

There are two sides to every discussion including: race relations, female empowerment, disparities, people of color, patriotism, agonistic honor, & microaggression. (as examples).


  • Combining with that which you hate the most, resulting in understanding & peace within & throughout.

  • Consummation can mean many different things, other than the act of sex.

  • Only by the act of union witgh your worst, will you have the tools of thought to successfully survive.

(What doesn't kill you makes you stronger)!

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