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POETRY in Motion 2 ™ ©

Who's to Blame?

Because of Them.

These are the "who have " who have taken my being.

I am doing everything in my power to make the "Who have" realize for doing so, without my permission.

Because of the "who have", my life has changed.

Because of the "who have", I have been forced.

Because of the "who have", I have had to figure out, by myself, how to understand.

Because of the "who have", I had to learn to balance things, just so I can survive and continue.

Because of the "who have", I am attacked, unjustly.

Because of the "who have", I am blamed.

Because of the "who have", I am torn down, ridiculed, made to feel less than human.

Because of the "who have", I am made to believe I am worthless.

Because of the "who have", my civil rights are violated.

Because of the "who have", I am imposed upon to kill myself.

Because of the "who have", I am expected to kill myself for the "Honor" and "Glory".

Because of the "who have", I am expected to kill myself for the others, whoever the others are..the poor, the law, religious, the military, the nation, the world? (There are so many).

Because of the "who have", I am new.

Because of the "who have", I am me, without shame.

Because of them, I am now the "who have".

Question is now, should I steal their identity?

~by Michael Pitkin

The Tomorrow, Today

They are in the water.

There they are in all their brilliance.

Seems like billions of them,

Microscopic though they are.

They move in every direction.

Almost nano-like,

versions of the snow globe you were mesmerized by as a child.

In the evening sun,

in the right angle,

you can see their golden square reflection.

They sparkle, sparkle like flecks

of gold floating.

The tomorrow,


You want the moment to last forever.

You want to stay.

But they are in the billions,

and you have to be on your way.

You understand your goal post victory.

Is it the One Eleven Nation?

They are in the water,

There they are in all their brilliance.

~By Michael Pitkin

Illuminating Dreams!

November 20, 2018


~Wars of the future will not be fought in conventional ways, but rather via nano-technology (hydro nuclear polarizability) within our food and water.

~Dynasties will be created by control of each.

~With a push of a button, whole societies will vanish, leaving infrastructure in place, to be used by invading armies.

~ On the flip side, many will survive. These survivors will inherit "an immunity" and their descendants will become the master humans.


ONE - Eleven by Michael PItkin™ ©

January 11, 2019

They call to me,

but not by my choosing.

Friends that I know, whom I have never met.

Far away places, right next to me.

Make aware of me, that which I never want to know.

Gone today & to be yet here tomorrow.

Are of my being, within so many.

Silhouettes no more, forever will stand.

Are calling.

...I'm choosing.

All are ONE

- Eleven.

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