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My ADVICE for New Individuals Becoming Involved & Believing in the Dark Faiths (Like Satanism),

(This work is in progress)..

In no particular order:


  • "Bloom where you are planted!" Home is where you are right now. Be Happy!


  • Do not get carried away. Fanaticism to the extreme (in either direction tends to never work out).

  • Stay in the now, and keep things easy.

  • All happens as it is meant to happen. Do not force life.

  • I beleive in healthy limits. What good is sitting in jail the rest of your life?


  • Survive at all cost!

  • One will be faced with many threats.

  • Defeat these obstacles (many of which will be intentional and purposeful by others against you).

  • Let other religions believe they have to die in their holy victory!

  • I am adamantly opposed to the Christian "Prosperity Gospel" (Instead, come on, admit it.. it's not about breaking curses.. but rather, greed is good)!


  • If any community tells you they are the ONE TRUE ANSWER.. beware!

  • Being spiritual cann't be controlled. (nor should it)!

  • Here in America we all bring certain aspects of ourselves into spirituality into our own future (indirectly, hopefully for the better, influencing established organizations..

  • Spiritual action is diverse in nature.

  • Do not let any community shame you for being who you are.

  • Every community should embrace the hodge podge mix of humanity that we all are, because no one is perfect.

  • If anything, that spiritual acceptance of imperfection (as defined by others), will only make for a more perfect art of original existence.

  • "Pseudonyms, riddles, veils of obscurity, blind alleys, Decknamen can either inspire "DESPAIR or INSPIRATION." *


  • The 3 mirrored (The Bible, Koran, Torah/Tanakh), interpreted backwards, inscribed (only with the world's most expensive tattoo ink) on human skin (preferably willing human skin), for after death, tanned into a collection of publication.


  • Witchcraftian females are & have always been in the beautiful world of the divine!

  • MY Homage to Eve and the Apple.

  • Even Witchcraftian females "The Witch" (both good & bad) however understand the importance of the rare arrival of the Warlockian Phallic Hermaphrodite God.


  • Warlockian males must rise!

  • My homage to the Warlockian phallic Hermaphrodite God (of Alchemy) and to the liquid seed of life, through the open !


  • Pain is a potential weapon of war!

  • With it comes great power.

  • Those who master pain, can master the world.

  • Pain comes in so many various forms.



  • The music is, at the same time, not only music but every day life and living.

  • punk

  • Death metal

  • Deathcore



There is a movement the Anne Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" movement, that make a statement that The United States of America is broke & that all citizens must give up entitlements! HMM!?! To this I say BULLSHIT! BULLSHITx2! To me, it seems that the 1% Initiative where all those who are making millions, billions, and trillions a year have an obligation to relieve human need and suffering.

The 1% all need to come together and solve the world's income disparities. (Perhaps a $15-20.00 an hour cap for everyone in the world would stop the greed)!? Opponents say this will cause harm to the economies and stifle growth and creativeness.. AGAIN, BULLSHIT! (AGAIN the 1% are fucking greedy, they just need to admit it to themselves)!


  • Belief in Satanic LIFE! Live to the best of your ability. Live in the present. Live for NOW!


  • No matter what others negatively say about you stay calm, engaged with them but stay rational (that really pisses them off)!

  • “What other people think of me is none of my business.” - Eleanor Roosevelt


  • You will be pursued by those who do not agree with you and will want to cause you harm, ie.. political, racial, religious, law enforcement, government/military, other nations (in these same areas) 24 hours, 7 days a week.

  • Keep all documents (contracts) on your person or locked in a safe.


  • Respect those who do not believe in any faith. Non-Believers are are brothers.

  • As an answer to International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights for members of dark faith/religions and no religions.In accordance to co-existence of peace throughout the world. All members of the world must compromise.

  • To me, compromise by all, is putting 100% of your position made available and walking away happily in the name of PEACE with 50%.Everyone should compromise and live peacefully with 50% .This is only fair to all of the world.I ask for 50% of all HOLY BOOKS and existing LAWS from Light Faiths. In their place 50% will be HOLY BOOKS and LAWS of Dark Faiths and No Faiths. .

  • To extol peace I ask that ALL DARK FAITHS/NO FAITHS first allow the LIGHT FAITHS to decide what 50% of their God's/LAWS they are willing to offer for PEACE.Only upon an impasse to attain 50% will Dark Faiths/No Faiths inter into negotiations to attain the equal compromise total.Once that compromise is at hand, there will be peace.

  • There will be a continual reevaluation and practice of this co-existence of peace throughout the world.

~ ESP (otherwise known as extrasensory perception)

No doubt already exists (combined with technology). I see this as the new telephone communication. The next step in evolution. the ability to read others thoughts. There will be no reason for telling untruths (No one will be able to get away with lying to another).

Imagine, being near another being and knowing what they are thinking (without saying a word). Or even wanting to talk with someone across the globe without even using a device to talk!?? (& have a conversation with them, just by thinking about them)??


  • Perhaps one day (I believe they have it now), veins will move or "grow" within our bodies.. even without being cut into (or surgery). This could be a miracle in modern medicine.. (or a disastrous "heart attack" waiting to happen for someone that another does not like)!??


  • Perhaps one day there will be mass communications, through controlling the weather. Maybe even one can see messages in the clouds and forms in trees.


#1. Go to you local optometrist, have them put special art drops in your eyes.. your friends will see what you are looking at on their computer or TV screen!

#2. Go to your local police outfitter store or SPY shop and buy the latest antennae equipment and broadcast messages in your friends carpets, linoleum or sower curtain (What SCARY FUN)!

#3. Get cement paint and draw vaginas and penis (or penis fucking ass) in the veins of your shower marble.. .. you will get an erection every time you take a shower!

#4. Join your friends in adding cement paint to features in your bathroom toilet wall, or next to your mirror. every time, then paint over it.. Whenever someone uses the bathroom, they will see your creativity within the wall.

#5. Put electronic equipment in one room in the ceiling rafters or within the walls and then broadcast a ghost figure on a monitor in another room. It will be like immersive Industrial Light & Magic or X Box virtual reality.

#6. Get all your friends and family to join in (like mobbing) and play (act out) a scene on a friend or family member (without them catching on) for a day.. a week even better!


  • Treat others as you want to be treated.

  • Be aware that any curses, spells, nastiness of any kind can and most likely (as I call it will) "boomerang back" upon you, so be prepared to accept what you dish out. I always want others to be healthy, wise and live a long, happy, fulfilling life! (one based on being busy & interested in all one is able to do)! lol


  • Be accepting of others (even if you consider their life failing)!

  • Stay involved with another person (who you consider failing), especially when they actively are making efforts & ask you (even if you are enabling them), for it is not your decision to live their life.


  • I have never met anyone yet in life (& I am 53 years old), who is not in some form or another struggling with aspects of this.

  • There are so many areas and topics on this (it is not cut and dry as many would make you believe). ie sex, drugs, money/greed, alcohol, perfectionism, morality, who is more right, who is more wrong, religion, politics etc. etc.


  • (I am pro-law enforcement), at the same time, law enforcement abuses are real.

  • All laws are only as good as the community that wishes, creates and enacts them.

  • No one should be stalked by Homeland Security or any other Federal or local agency, just because of their religion.

  • No one should be entrapped just because of their religion.

  • Civil right violations & human freedoms are vulnerable to law enforcement.

  • Law enforcement is paid to lie. It is their duty to lie, in order to entrap.

  • No one should have two-way mirrors in their apartments spying on them. (Or non-breakable mirrors created by Yale, Harvard or MIT).

  • *(I'll be adding more to this topic...)


  • World overpopulation, likely forced killings in the future, or forced sterilization? (Saltpeter in the water)?

  • One simple solution.. accepted loving relationships between same sex individuals.

  • Promote and accept homosexual lifestyles.


  • In SATANIC LAW there are no rules or laws.

  • There are no penalties. Most will try to make you believe there are rules, regulations, decent choices, and consequences to those choices (according to their beliefs). NO!


  • Each must decide for themselves - each's own limits, scope, lack, excel & purpose. One has to question and answer this unto themselves. In addition, in a life with no limits, the bigger fundamental question.. how to exist with the mundane?

  • COEXIST(S) S is for SATAN! Most light faiths, Gray faiths, Non-faiths want to coexist.

  • There are many non-Satanists however who do not want to coexist (even other dark faiths). These individuals have a right to "free expression" and "religious conscious protections". My mother always said, "your rights end where my nose begins"!

  • If any one is disrespectful, if anyone infringes upon your rights of religious expression, then I recommend be representative of peaceful protest. (I say be peaceful, because that shocks them and really "pisses" them off! )

  • Be respectful to law enforcement.

  • No doubt legitimate Satanic/dark faiths have already established their doctrines as they coexist within the broader world at large.

  • There is no need for killing, rape, torture, intimidation, manipulation, coercion, retaliation, entrapment,, etc, etc all the barbaric acts of inhumanity to humanity. (Not that I do not honor all Satabnic TRUE RITES).. it is just .. This is all bad for business! Not by my decree, but rather implore that there is more importance ahead. Time to update to a more modern "Generation Linksters" approach and mentality. That importance, the energy necessary, expended towards mankind's advancement (and future within the universe).

  • Children, elderly, disabled, homeless, all those who are "less", to be given special dispensation (automatically especially with extenuating circumstances) and consideration to no rules law - if they so ask (un-coerced & non- imposed upon).

  • Everyone has the right to special dispensation. (No questions asked).

  • Sexual consummation is not a necessary act, if one(s) so choose to solidify their relationship.

Consummation has a second action however it can also be with that in which you HATE the most, resulting in understanding & peace within & throughout.

(Consummation also can mean many things other than the act of sex).

Only by the act of union with your worst will you have the thought to successfully survive (to continue to praise SATAN)!



People think that if anyone is a Satanist.. that automatically makes them a PEDOPHILE(s), murderer(s) and rapist(s)..etc. Hmmm! (Well I am sorry to say, but it does not)!

No one should be physically or sexually harmed, especially children.

No victim of abuse, likewise, should be subject to gossip, entrapment(s) and hearsay.

I disagree with statistics that automatically label a victim of abuse as a pedophile!

(What does not kill US - makes US stronger)!


The instant you disclose your interest in Satanism, Occult, or Gray Faiths.. etc.. Be potentially prepared to lose your understanding or your life as you know it in that instant.

Your family may or may not support you in this.

Your family, friends & social support may or may not support you in this.

It is important to seek out like minded, but again be aware of the vigilantes.

It is also alright to be comfortable in one's own skin (should you live in an unaccepting community).

~VOTE: Yes, I did vote for Hillary Clinton.. also Chris G. here in Nevada! What pisses me off.. is when individuals bitch & complain and harass.. and they do not even vote! Hmmmm!?? Even Satanists and those of Occult and no faiths can be good citizens, serve their country, pay taxes and vote!

*After seven years of reading about the Occult, Satanism, (others to be inserted here).............., I am aware, I do not know enough about it to fully understand, nor appreciate all it entails. I have a "taste" of understanding. Now, add SATANIC CHAOS to this understanding and I may be completely wrong in all of my understanding!?? Non-Occult/Satanists will create most of it. ( * This area is in continual updating of information).

This site is dedicated to "Freedom of Religion" The First Amendment (Amendment I)

to the United States Constitution

(Religious Liberty or Conscience Protection).

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