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My Opinion on Issues of the World. (Transcendence)™ ©

(This work is in progress)


All Nations employ espionage (spies). This should not be considered illegal, but rather necessary and standard and usual (a necessary evil in today's world).

#1. There should be spy "human and civil rights", as these individuals are employees of a said particular "Nation".

#2. Espionage is a reality. If a Nation catches a spy, then there is no reason for torture or killing, but the caught spy should be immediately released to the offending Nation, no questions asked, immediately, as said guilty spy is only an employee.

#3. If an admitted spy is caught, no matter the offense, no trial shall take place, for it is already understood that a caught spy is automatically guilty.

#4. There is no need for cruel and unusual punishment. torture and killing to attain information is not necessary.

#5. There should be no forced identification.

#6. With the capture of a spy, it is understood that a worst case scenario should be implemented: (Total, 100% COMPROMISED).

#7. The the capture of a spy, although guilty, shall yet be returned to offending Nation.

#8. Admitted spy before being returned to said nation, as a professional courtesy, shall recommend what areas may be compromised (all without coercion).

#9. It is the responsibility of the compromised nation to take steps to put into place counter measures to assure their own, individual National Security.


Algiers: (03/07/2019), Millennials know what future they want in the 21st Century! Out with the old, & in with the new!


China (06/03/18): A healthy vibrant China, YES!

Beijing: (3/7/2019) China will benefit in the long run by being a world leader on fair, and free trade. Also, by being an example in establishing human and civil rights with all nations of the world, in the new 21st Century!




Central America:

Eastern Europe:

Russian Federation:

Moscow: (3/7/2019) Russia will benefit in the long run by being a world leader on fair, and free trade. Also, by being an example in establishing human and civil rights with all nations of the world, in the new 21st Century!



London: (3/7/2019), Europe is stronger when England (and it's citizens), all work together. Take BREXIT back to the voters.

Vatican City: Knights of Columbus need to take a duty sworn of protection and surveillance throughout all gatherings for protection of the faithful body (security guards).

Korea Peninsula (06/03/18): A Nuclear Free Peninsula, YES!

North Korea : (March 7, 2019), It is in North Korea's best interest to show compliance with denuclearization.

Pyongyang (06/14/2018), Series of steps over the next 10 years: Inspections (as witnessed by the UN), denuclearization, and a new nuclear agreement (as monitored by the UN). Sanctions lifted by degrees, after 1 year to 5 years continued cooperation. After 10 years of continued cooperation, towards a successful North/South Korea Plan, with political compromise in both the North & the South (in power sharing), Declaration of Peace, Declaration of Reunification with South Korea. ZERO tolerance for violation (and the clock stops and starts all over again)!

Middle East (06/03/18): A Nuclear Free Middle East, (Including Israel)!

Israel: (3/23/19): Isreal shall be recognized by all Muslim Nations and live in Peace.

Jerusalem, (06/03/18): The World's First Multi-National, Multi-Spiritual Capitol City , One shared and one recognized by all Nations and faiths.

(06/18/2018), Rebuilding of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, (A Christian Temple within a Islam Temple, within a Irreligion Temple, within a HinduismTemple within a Buddhism Temple, within a Folk Religion Temple, within a Jewish Temple (Reflective of the 7 main religions of the world, and of the 5 colors and the 3 (BIRTH, LIFE & DEATH).

Iran: (06/28/2018), The people of Iran deserve female human rights, religious freedom, homosexual human rights, and a nation living in peace, free of nukes.

Tehran: (3/7/2019), Denuclearization and a new nuclear agreement (as monitored by the UN. Sanctions lifted after continued cooperation.

Saudi Arabia: (11/20/18), Killing of Jamal Khashoggi is unacceptable. The Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman needs to self abdicate his throne. New Saudi Arabia leadership should include empathy, compromise, compassion along with it's peaceful co-existence in the world.

(06/04/2018/), Female Human Rights, Religious Freedom, Homosexual Human rights.

Russia: (06/04/2018), Religious Freedom, Homosexual Human Rights.

North America:

United States of America:

(11/20/18), The killing of Jamal Khashoggi is an unacceptable act. The United States should remain committed to all contracts with the Saudi Government, however the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, should self abdicate his throne.

(06/28/2018),California, Los Angeles, Maxine Waters, calls for harm against another person because of views, ideals & politics! SHAME! No one should threaten or cause harm against another because of differences.

Nevada, Reno (06/04/2018), HOME

Washington DC: (06/04/2018),

Congressional United States Slavery Reparations Act:

Congressional United States Indian Nation(s) Reparations Act

South America:


Caracus: (March 7, 2019), It is in Nicolas Maduro's best (& financial interest) to step aside and let Juan Guaido "Assume Responsibility" as President of Venezuela. For ALL Venezuelan's to work together for a place in the Modern World of the 21st Century.

Vietnam Peninsula: (06/03/18): A healthy vibrant Vietnam, YES!

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