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RISE UP! ALL Faiths & No Faiths Freedom Movement!™ ©


(Religious Liberty or Conscience Protection). Religion clauses of the 1st. Amendment,

United States Constitution.

Let the light faiths know we are here (for civil rights)!

We are here in every community, in every nation around the world!

We come in co-existence!

Come Out! It is time for the DARK Faiths Movement! (As well as a NO Faiths Movement)!

We shall have peaceful/ civil disobedience & we will let the world know!! (Especially when our rights are purposefully being infringed upon).

We shall have laws that reflect our beliefs!

Life consists of laws and beliefs of all:

The light faiths

The gray faiths

The dark faiths

The no faiths

The non-believing

Within each, there are so many different denominations (it is unfathomable)!

Be Mindful:

Be mindful of undercover and covert law enforcement. (until the day the laws change).

Be mindful that there are creative ways that dark, gray, no faith communities can interact together in peace within the light faith communities.

Be mindful & respectful of the dominant light faith hyper, delicate sensitivity. It does no good to the movement for anyone to be locked up in jail (just to prove a point).

BE mindful of consummation with others you HATE .

BE mindful of consummation & union within one's own WORST, which will give tools of thought & successful survival, to continually live & to praise SATAN!


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